Surprise in store as Anish Kapoor’s ‘reflective’ UK exhibition opens – FT
22 July 2020
A surprise is in store. Anish Kapoor’s Houghton Hall exhibition, which opened this week, is restrained, well-mannered and low-key. Thoughtful, respectful of its surroundings, it comprises 20 and more sculptures, mostly made in earthily, solidly natural materials — limestone, granite, marble, onyx. They are sited in the house and gardens by curator Mario Codognato in ways that invite a quiet and contemplative mood, at the same time as they reflect the beauty and opulence spread before us in Palladian splendour.
Click through to the Financial Times to read Jan Dalley's full review of Anish Kapoor's exhibition at Houghton Hall. The presentation continues through 1 November, 2020.
Image: Kapoor’s circular painted mirrors replace ancient Roman busts in the alcoves of the Stone Hall © Pete Huggins