Screening now: Dreamachine by Haroon Mirza and Siobhan Coen
20 July 2020
The next work on view as part of our ongoing Spotlight Screenings programme is a strobing, hallucino-sonic, single-channel experience entitled Dreamachine 1/0, a newly configured, online version of an existing installation, Dreamachine 2.0 (depicted here) by Haroon Mirza and Siobhan Coen. With the original work due to be on show at the Aberdeen Art Gallery this summer, Mirza and Coen have instead worked to digitally transfer their immersive exploration of the transformative effects of pulsing electronic light and sound waves on viewers in a space, allowing visitors to the Lisson Gallery website an alternative method to experience the dreamlike state.
Click through to full screen, sound on and with lights dimmed to watch the film here. This work contains strobing imagery.
Caption: Haroon Mirza and Siobhan Coen, Dreamachine 2.0, 2019, installation view at John Hansard Gallery, Southampton. Photography by Thierry Bal