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Announcing the opening of Lisson Gallery Shanghai | 里森画廊登陆上海外滩

8 February 2019

Lisson Gallery Shanghai will be housed within the former warehouse known as the ‘Amber Building’ on Huqiu Road. This historic building, dating back to the 1930s, was previously used during the Republican period by the Central Bank of China. The road, historically referred to as ‘Museum Road’ due to its location, today sits alongside some of the city’s major museums and cultural institutions, including the Rockbund Art Museum, Fosun Foundation and Christie’s. The gallery space, situated on the second floor, has been designed with the support of architecture, interiors and design specialists, Thomas Croft Architects.

Lisson Gallery Shanghai will open on 22 March with an exhibition entitled 'Love is Metaphysical Gravity'. Taking its title from a quote by the American architect and theorist Buckminster Fuller, the exhibition ties together works that go beyond the physical realm of gravity, into the transcendental, mystical and metaphysical. The exhibition will include works by Marina Abramović, Shirazeh Houshiary, Richard Long and Tatsuo Miyajima, whose most recent body of work, Innumerable Life/Buddha (2018), is showing at Lisson Gallery's Tenth Avenue space in New York until 16 February.

Since its establishment in 1967, Lisson Gallery’s unwavering priority has been to support and develop the careers of the artists it represents. Long recognised globally, Lisson Gallery is known for its enduring relationships with its artists, and for creating opportunities both for artists at an early stage in their careers and for more established figures, including Marina Abramović, Ai Weiwei, John Akomfrah, Carmen Herrera, Shirazeh Houshiary, Anish Kapoor, Richard Long and Stanley Whitney. International since its inception, Lisson has been strongly present in Asia for the past decade, focusing on building relationships and partnerships in the region. The gallery has played a major role in presenting key Asian artists – including Ai Weiwei, Liu Xiaodong, Tatsuo Miyajima, Rashid Rana and Lee Ufan – internationally. In a complementary drive, Lisson has provided its roster of artists with increased exposure in the East through exhibitions and collaborations across the region, from China to India, Korea, Singapore and Japan.

Alongside the opening in Shanghai, Lisson Gallery artists will be opening new exhibitions across institutions in Asia this year, including Tatsuo Miyajima opening the new Shanghai Minsheng Museum on 17 May 2019. The gallery will again participate in Art Basel Hong Kong from 29-31 March, presenting work by artists including Tony Cragg, Djurberg & Berg, Ryan Gander, Carmen Herrera, Anish Kapoor, Christopher Le Brun, Julian Opie, Laure Prouvost and Wael Shawky.


里森画廊上海空间座落于虎丘路的历史建筑“琥珀大楼”,原建筑始建于 1930 年,该大 楼曾是民国时期中央银行旧址。这条历史上曾被称为“博物馆之路”的街道时至今日仍是 上海外滩美术馆、复星艺术中心与佳士得拍卖行等多家重要美术馆与文化机构的聚集地。二楼画廊空间的设计得到了建筑与室内设计师Thomas Croft Architects的倾力支持。

里森上海开幕将呈现群展“爱是形而上的引力”(Love is Metaphysical Gravity)。展览 名取自美国建筑师、理论家巴克敏斯特•富勒(Buckminster Fuller)的名言,试图将超 越物理引力层面的作品连结在一起召唤超然、隐秘、以及形而上的力量。展出作品来自艺 术家玛丽娜•阿布拉莫维奇、施拉泽•赫什阿里、理查德•朗和宫岛达男。里森画廊在纽 约第十大道的空间内正在展出宫岛达男的近作展“万生千灵/佛”,展期至 2 月 16 日。

自 1967 年成立以来,里森画廊一直致力于支持和发展其代表的艺术家的职业生涯。里森 画廊凭其与艺术家的长期合作关系而闻名全球,并为不论是处于职业生涯早期还是更为成 熟的阶段的艺术家们创造机会,代理艺术家包括玛丽娜•阿布拉莫维奇(Marina Abramović)、艾未未 (Ai Weiwei)、约翰•亚康法(John Akomfrah)、卡门•埃雷 拉(Carmen Herrera)、施拉泽•赫什阿里(Shirazeh Houshiary)、安尼施•卡普尔 (Anish Kapoor)、理查德•朗(Richard Long)、斯坦利•惠特尼(Stanley Whitney)。里森画廊自创立伊始便立足国际,过去十年中画廊更是一直致力于开拓亚洲 地区,专注与其建立联系与合作。画廊也为推动重要亚洲艺术家在国际上的影响力起到了 显著作用,代理艺术家包括艾未未(Ai Weiwei)、刘小东(Liu Xiaodong)、宫岛达男 (Tatsuo Miyajima)、拉什德•拉那(Rashid Rana)和李禹焕(Lee Ufan)。

今年,里森上海落成之际,画廊代理的艺术家们也将在亚洲各地举办新展,宫岛达男将于 2019 年 5 月在上海民生现代美术馆新址举办大型个展。画廊也将于 3 月 29 日至 31 日再 次参加巴塞尔艺术展香港展会,展出包括娜塔莉•杜尔伯格和汉斯•伯格(Djurberg & Berg)、托尼•克拉格(Tony Cragg)、瑞安• 甘德(Ryan Gander)、卡门•埃雷拉 (Carmen Herrera)、安尼施•卡普尔(Anish Kapoor)、劳瑞•普罗沃斯特(Laure Prouvost)、朱利安•奥培(Julian Opie)和瓦尔•肖基(Wael Shawky)等艺术家的作 品。

Announcing the opening of Lisson Gallery Shanghai | 里森画廊登陆上海外滩
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