Lisson Presents...
London, 27 January – 18 March 2017

Ceal Floyer, Ryan Gander, Christian Jankowski, John Latham, Jonathan Monk, Richard Wentworth, Wael Shawky, Lawrence Weiner
The presentation will include work by Ceal Floyer, alongside Ryan Gander’s Associative Ghost Template # 10, one in a series of 28 framed works from 2012 based on a collage of research articles and images on the subject of invisibility, illusion and artifice. Christian Jankowski’s orchestrations of wizardry are shown in his work Director Poodle (1998), a video of the previous director of the Kunstverein in Hamburg, Stephan Schmidt-Wulffen transforming into a boisterous white poodle. The three protagonists of Dostoyevsky’s novel The Brothers Karamazov (1880) feature in John Latham’s five-panel work in a depiction of the development of a complex universe containing RIOs from a proto universe, while Jonathan Monk illustrates the complexities around co-existence in The same moment in a different place and at a different time in green 3 (2008). Photographs from Richard Wentworth’s series Making Do and Getting By show the power of contemporary art to alter perceptions of the every day, while a film by Wael Shawky, Telematch Shelter (2008), feature Bedouin children re-enacting narratives created by the artist to illustrate the concept of migration. A new installation by Lawrence Weiner, installed on the exterior wall of 27 Bell Street, adds an outdoor context to the programme.
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Opening Times:
Tuesday – Saturday: 11:00am – 6:00pm