Bernard Piffaretti
New York, 13 September – 19 October 2019

Lisson Gallery is pleased to announce the representation of Paris-based artist, Bernard Piffaretti in New York. For his first exhibition in the Tenth Avenue location, Piffaretti will present new paintings alongside a small selection of earlier work, all composed using the signature duplication method in which the artist has worked for nearly four decades.
After first dividing a canvas into halves with a central vertical strip of paint, Piffaretti creates a typically graphic, abstract composition in bold color on one side, and then repeats the pattern on the other. The viewer’s ensuing challenge of trying to ascertain which painterly act occurred first strikes at the heart of Piffaretti’s conceptual concerns.
By highlighting our aesthetic and emotional tendencies for problem-solving and resolution the artist both affirms and restrains the narrative power of painting. Through this technique of mirroring or doubling an image, the artist continues the philosophical exploration of difference and repetition. His occasional Tondi and petits tableaux works, with their surprise blank halves, subvert our expectations, and further emphasise the efficient simplicity of the unique pictorial game being played.
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